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Introducing "Better," the latest powerhouse release by the dynamic duo, Tom Brownlow and TheGoddessMusic. Tom Brownlow, the Leeds-based DJ and producer, has been making waves in the House music scene with a unique style influenced by soul legends like Stevie Wonder and Marvin Gaye, as well as contemporary artists such as Sade, Maxwell, and Erykah Badu. His eclectic mix of genres, blending old-school pianos, grooving house, breakbeat, and garage drums, culminates in a distinctive sound that has garnered recognition from industry giants.

Tom's track 'Breathe' was play-listed by Kiss FM and received several BBC Radio 1 plays, while House legend Sam Divine champions his work on her Kiss FM shows and live streams. David Guetta has also supported Tom's tracks on his podcasts and live streams, featuring one of his hits in his Spotify Playlist. With a track record like this, Tom Brownlow is undoubtedly a force to be reckoned with in the electronic music scene.

Partnering with Tom is the extraordinary talent of TheGoddessMusic, a producer, songwriter, singer, DJ, and multi-instrumentalist who graduated from the Masters' program at Tileyard London. Her unique and female-centric sound, developed through collaboration with industry heavyweights like KAMILLE, MNEK, TODDLA T, and FRED AGAIN, reflects her vision for the music she wants to hear. TheGoddessMusic has had multiple releases with BlackTurtle Records and BlackTurtle Deep, as well as a compilation release with Silvio Rodriguez Music in the United States.

Her prowess in production and co-writing has led to collaborations with Indie and Major artists in Los Angeles, including an upcoming release with Natalia Damini and Stitches. Recognized for her talents, TheGoddessMusic has been handpicked by FRED AGAIN and KAMILLE for the 'She is the Music' mentoring program for female producers. With appearances on BBC Radio London, BBC Sounds, BBC Introducing, and various other radio shows, TheGoddessMusic is establishing herself as a rising star in the music industry.

"Better" is a testament to the collaborative brilliance of Tom Brownlow and TheGoddessMusic, blending Tom's signature grooves with TheGoddessMusic's distinct female sound. This power-laden piano house tune is set to captivate audiences, showcasing the unparalleled talent of these two music maestros. Get ready to elevate your musical experience with "Better" – a harmonious fusion of beats and vocals that transcends boundaries and defines the future of electronic music.

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