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BLMA047DJ | 2024-04-05  
Release #47 sees the welcome return of Stefandre who, after his strong 'Overwhelming' release, is back with 'Create', a mesmerizing journey through warm, melodic, and progressive landscapes that captivate the listener from start to finish.

The progressive elements in 'Create' are skillfully crafted, with subtle builds and releases that maintain a dynamic energy throughout the track. The meticulous attention to detail is evident, as Stefandre introduces new layers and textures, keeping the listener engaged and curious about what comes next.

In conclusion, 'Create' is a beautiful masterpiece that with its experimental break and warm bassline showcases the artist's talent for crafting intricate and emotionally charged music. It's a track that invites repeated listens, revealing new nuances and layers with each play and surely leaves a lasting impression.
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