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Butcher (feat. Malique G)


Xylo Records
XYL032 | 2024-03-07  
In the depths of the underground music scene, a new behemoth stirs, ready to claim the airwaves with visceral energy and raw power. Replete’s latest track, "Butcher," released under the enigmatic Xylo Records, is an auditory assault carving it's mark into the fabric of bass music with its gritty textures and shadowy overtones, "Butcher" captures the essence of the night - a predator on the prowl, relentless and unforgiving. Malique G's vocal content on "Butcher" slices through the mix with surgical precision, embodying the track's title with his sharp lyrical craftsmanship. His voice, laced with a chilling intensity haunts the arrangement, etching dark narratives into the listener's psyche. This is not a release for the faint hearted.

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