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Erratic (Interlude)


Archipel Musique
ARCH203 | 2023-11-27  
We are thrilled to announce the return of Jotunn with his latest album, a magnificent follow-up to his debut which tantalized our devoted texture travellers with glimpses of cosmic voyages. The commitment, dedication, and passion evident in this release are a testament to the countless hours the mastermind behind the project poured into honing his skills and refining his craft.

Having taken the time to immerse himself in learning advanced techniques and delving deeper into the nuances of his music, Jotunn is back, showcasing ideas that are not just solid but layered with an evocative narrativity. This new dimension is an evident leap, several notches above his inaugural offering, showcasing a maturity and depth in his artistry.

Listeners will find themselves entranced by the intricate ways in which Jotunn marries varied percussions with expansive synths. These combinations produce a unique soundscape, one that evokes visceral reactions - from the oozy feelings that spiral down your spine to the warm, comforting fuzz that engulfs the heart. It's clear that Jotunn isn't merely presenting music; he's gifting experiences.
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