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Loppy B

DECISIONS25S | 2023-09-08  
A Decadent Overture: "A Loppy Lesson" Emerges to Evoke the Unspeakable

Prepare to plunge into the abyss of the senses as DECISIONS ushers forth "A Loppy Lesson," an unfettered odyssey born from the twisted genius of Loppy B. A seductive successor to the duo’s initial Lament, this auditory indulgence blooms forth as the sinister full-length offspring of their musings, beckoning connoisseurs of the unconventional to teeter on the precipice of the forbidden and drink deep from the chalice of crooked club gear.

From the arcane crucible of Soft Centre 2022, where Loppy B did take stage to craft a musical tale of sublime enchantment, the wretched seeds of "A Loppy Lesson" were sown. Each track emerges from the obsidian mists of this encounter—a transcendent rite that blurred the lines between reality and debauched fantasy.

“The dank, the foetid, the animistic”—Loppy B's artistic ethos unfurls like a fragile secret. Forsaking the anemic gloss of festival anthems, they bask instead in the squalid muck and primordial thrum deep in the bowels of the dance. Here, sonic sprites are born from overdriven sub frequencies that cavort with tricksterish volition, instigating an aural pandemonium that sluices through the listener's very soul.

But ah, the titular "Loppy Lesson," a revelation bestowed upon the duo during a dancefloor reverie at the cusp of dawn. A truth unveiled—a visceral testament to the paradoxical beauty that emerges from the putrid and the sublime, the repulsive and the resplendent—a revelation that courses through the album's fair eddies and foul gyres.

And what visual feast accompanies this decadent audial offering? The veil between the tangible and the ephemeral shivers, as photographic fragments of digital conception entwine with the elegance of hand-cut lino prints. An ocular riddle forged by Loppy B’s very own hands, a mirror reflecting the album's descent into oneiric depths.

As twilight stretches its sinuous fingers and the stars illuminate the paths of deviants and seekers, "A Loppy Lesson" emerges—a sonic grimoire waiting to be unsealed. Surrender yourself to its forbidden harmonies, and let the arcane currents of Loppy B's creation unravel the boundaries of sonic ecstasy.

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