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Turning Point Observer

Goodbye Mirage

Electric Shapes
ES0023 | 2023-06-30  
Everyone is an observer at some point in time. Everybody is watching, observing, researching something in own life. Whether it is the old Hindu looking forward to the time when his body will be carried in a shroud to the last journey to the Ganges by the scent of flowers and then he has been liberated from the cycle of samsara, or when the cataphract is finally done with its struggle and freed from its armour somewhere in the midst of the steppes of Eurasia. Whether it is the blind man who enters his inner garden of silence and explores there the images that none of the rest of us can see. Whether it is the viewer who floats in a difficult to grasp triptych. What is "there" behind that observation? Something modest, or something that changes our lives? After more than two years Martin Kuška returns with his project Goodbye Mirage with a new EP "Turning Point Observer". A hypnotic dreamy-progressive five track and five remixes EP, in whose tracks you can constantly search for something new - the endless faith or doubt, the loneliness of days or the shining energy of social moments yet to come, body to body. When you hear it on the dance floor, you can dance and smile, or dance and feel deep sentiment. Its up to you. The possibilities are endless as the vast ocean - let yourself go and become an observer of... who knows... perhaps a turning point in your life.

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