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What Would Love Do?

Nathan G

Luvbug Recordings
LBR057 | 2020-11-06  
Ask Yourself... What Would Love Do?

A bright new record has come to light on Luvbug Recordings courtesy of label main man Nathan G. A release inviting positive transformation (and dancing) via an irresistible new production that emanates a simple and powerful question during these times of change.... WHAT WOULD LOVE DO ?

Nathan continues a vibrant 2020 output of consistent, authentic, spirited and uplifting productions to move you. Found here setting the tunes 'heart and soul' message into colourful motion, skillfully embedding a luminous array of live keys and synths, jazz licks and fresh vocal creation right into the tracks swingin' vintage vibed deep groove.

Licensing/Info/Demos: info (at) luvbugrecordings (dot) com

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